Here is a picture of the ondotoglossum hybrid that I placed in a tea-cup after all it's roots had died (I should really buy healthy orchids from now on) It is adapting ok.
Since I'm a sucker for bargains, I continued to buy cheap, but beautiful orchids who all had one thing in common: bad roots. So apart from growing 2 oncidiums in water, I also have 2 cambrias and 2 dendrobiums who are adjusting perfectly to their new aquatic surroundings. But the biggest achievement was when my cymbidium (due to my own overwatering) started to die on me. I was devestated because it was my favorite (not to mention biggest and most expensive) orchid. It had beautiful vanilla colored flowers and I truly adored it. I cut off the roots and placed it in a jar of water as well, and a six months later you can see the results:
And here are three pictures of my precious oncydium (that I nearly killed )
Just look at the root growth. It's root has become so long that it started growing out of the mug! When its roots grow long enough I'm sure I'll repot it, but until now my baby remains were it is.