Congrats! Two in bloom and one in spike - what a nice birthday showing! It's much more fun to have stuff blooming or nearly so. Instant gratification is always best!
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I now have my own jungle and am not certain what I am going to do. _________ for several months waiting for it to cool down enough to order plants to be delivered to the desert. Well, what do you do with birthday money? You buy orchids of course. I purchased an Oncidium Sharry Baby "Sweet Fragrance", a Beallara Peggy Ruth Carpenter and a Dtps. Lih Jiang Beauty x P. Luchia Phalaenopsis.
The Sharry Baby has 6 spikes, The Peggy Ruth as 4 spikes, 2 are blooming, and the Phal has one healthy spike on it. I received the plants from New Jersey to California in 3 days and the packaging was excellent. The Sharry Baby is over 3 feet tall (see the yardstick), the Peggy Ruth is almost 30 inches tall and the largest leaf on the phal is 10 inches long and 4 inches across. I know I can't give the name of the seller but if you are interested PM me and I will share. She has a wide selection of different species. Most of which I can't grow in my desert home.
Sorry, I don't know to rotate the first picture for the forum. It looked upright in my gallery.
Last edited by Brutal_Dreamer; September 28th, 2006 at 11:44 PM. Reason: removed vendor name. see terms and conditions.
Congrats! Two in bloom and one in spike - what a nice birthday showing! It's much more fun to have stuff blooming or nearly so. Instant gratification is always best!
The Blra looks alot like Dgmra winter wonderland...
Happy birthday, enjoy the rich chocolate!
Great plants, so much beauty all at once!! WHOO HOOO!
Because we grow in a green house, we really never have to put plants out for the cool down..other than some cymbidums. If you do have Winter Wonderland, it doesn't need any type of cool down though. All the oncid. intergenerics should be able to be grown inside your home without a cool down.
Isnt it nice when we get beautiful plants on line!some are bummers.very nice orchids,happy birthday by the way.
good luck!
Last edited by Brutal_Dreamer; September 29th, 2006 at 08:13 AM. Reason: removed vendor name. See terms and conditions