Wisconsin sphag moss is lower quality. It is brown in colour and it doesn't have as fluffy of a texture. I hear that it is breaks down more quickly too, and it is not preferred by most growers. Well the package I got was really bad, all the moss strands were quite broken/decayed and came with other dead plants and twigs.
Chilean sphag moss is the same quality as New zealand sphag moss. It does not break down as quickly and has the qualities that you described. They are golden in colour and looks more fluffy, so it doesn't compact as easily.
I have both types of moss at home and I prefer the new zealand/chilean sphag moss. I do have a phrag growing in the wisconsin moss, no problems. I'm sure a phal will grow in it too, but keep it loose and airy, and repot it often because the wisconsin moss breaks down faster. I find wisconsin moss is also harder to get wet when it becomes dry.