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Thread: Clearing your Browser's Information - Firefox

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  1. #1
    Real Name
    Bruce Brown
    My Grow Area
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    Cattleyas & Slippers
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    Default Clearing your Browser's Information - Firefox

    Since updating the software and links here on OrchidTalk, it may be necessary for you to remove old information from your browser to take full advantage of the new features. This could also help you with the navigation since all of the links within OrchidTalk have now changed to better allow search engines and internet surfers access to the site and our forum's amazing content. Below is a step by step on how to "Clear information from your Browser". The first step by step is done using the FIRE FOX Browser. If you use Internet Explorer (IE), these directions will not work for you. Please see the next post where I explain "Clearing information from IE Browsers".

    (Copy and paste this information into something you can print out or read outside of your browser for ease of use.)

    1. Open Firefox and make sure you are connected to the internet.

    2. Click on the word "Tools" in the very top bar of the browser. When you click on Tools, select "Options..." (See image below)

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    3. When you select "Options..." a small window will open. It looks like this:

    Name:  step3.gif
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    This window will have several options to choose. Select "Privacy" and the window will refresh and show three settings as seen in the above image.
    "History" with three check boxes/options

    "Cookies" with one check box/option and a drop down menu.
    HERE ->> Click "Accept cookies from Sites"
    & "Private Data" with two check boxes/options
    4. On the "Private Data" area, there is a button called "settings" -->> Click this button to open another small window. This window will have seven check boxes starting with "Browsing History" going through "Authenticated Sessions". As seen here:

    Name:  step4.gif
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    SELECT ALL of these options. (Please note that this will erase all information in your browser. If you would like to retain your 'remembered' passwords, then do not select that option. You must select Browsing History, Cache, and Cookies for this to clear out the information to allow you to start fresh here on the forum. Then select "OK" on this small window.

    Next, you will return to the other window that opened earlier (as seen in Step 3 above). Here in the "Private Data" area is another button called "Clear Now". This button will clear your browser of all history & information. After you click this option, you will have to Log into OrchidTalk again.

    Upon login this time, your browser will "cache" the new information and html. You can return your settings to your normal setup. Enjoy!


  2. #2
    Real Name
    Bruce Brown
    My Grow Area
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    Cattleyas & Slippers
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Member's Country Flag

    Default Clearing Browser information - IE

    This is a 'Step by Step' to clearing your browser's information in Internet Explorer.

    (As I do not use IE very often, my settings here my be more stringent than you choose. This is a guide that is meant to help you clear information from your browser. Please return your settings to normal after you have completed these steps)

    1. Open your Internet Explorer browser and connect to the internet.

    2 & 3 Click on the word 'Tools' at the top of your screen and then select "Internet Options" as seen in the following image:

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    Make sure you are in the "General Tab" as shown in the image 'step 3' above. Here you will click the button "Delete Cookies" This will pop-up another small window that will ask you "Delete all Cookies in the Temporary Internet Folder" --->> Click OK

    4. Next Click on the button "Delete Files..." & select the check box "Delete all offline content" as seen in the image below ('step 4)

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    5. Finally, click on the Button "Clear History"
    This will cause a small pop-up to ask "Are you sure you want Windows to delete your history of visited Web sites?" --->> Click "OK" (Clicking this option will clear the drop down listing of websites you visited - and remove all the old links that will no longer work for OrchidTalk.) (If there are non-OrchidTalk pages in your history you would like to re-visit, but do not have the URL memorized or marked as a 'Favorite', be sure to mark them before completing this step.)

    6. The last image shows the security setting I used to be able to log into OrchidTalk, accept the cookie and turn off my browser and it still remember me when I returned. Please note: If you log off in either browser, the 'Remember me" will not work since you have "cleared" the cookie from your login session.

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    This concludes this lesson on "Clearing your Browser Information in IE" If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer them here.


  3. #3
    Real Name
    Bruce Brown
    My Grow Area
    Favorite Orchid(s)
    Cattleyas & Slippers
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Member's Country Flag

    Default One last thing...

    I forgot to mention one last thing. After clearing your browser's information, it is recommended that you shut down and restart your computer to complete the process.

    Thanks again.


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