I have parrots (Goffin's cockatoo, Hahn's macaw, Green-naped Rainbow Lorikeet), a Mali Uromastyx, a small saltwater aquarium,3 cats and 2 large dogs. I remove plant(s) to be treated to room fartherest from animals (if weather is too bad to take plant(s) outside for 30 mins.) and then treat with either Neem Oil or Garden Safe (fungicide). For mealies I go over the plant with tweezers/Q-tip and a shot glass of alcohol first then spray with Neem Oil properly mixed with water and detergent in a spray bottle. Neem Oil is safe for all animals except insects and even has a pleasant light musky scent that doesn't linger. It doesn't outright kill the insects, it makes them not want to feed so they just sit on your plant and starve to death, that is why I remove any many as I can-I don't like looking at them while they are starving. Go over your plant again in 10 days for any that have hatched out or moved over from another source. A week after the second treatment, you can shower your plant if you want.