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Oh, by "foreign" I meant unknown to me/the computer, not the country!
Just wanted to give this thread a bump to bring it back up front.
Hello everyone, I am new to Orchid Talk... The other day I was looking desperately for information on "Moth Orchids" out on the web. Because I am not the "sharpest tool in the shed" it was not easy to get friendly help out there, and to tell you the truth some Orchid sites are very, well... "stuck up?"I have always loved Orchids and thought them out of my league... then I was given two beautiful plants. They where going to be thrown away, and where very neglected. (It has been a Karmic lesson in impermanence.) Very quickly I became addicted to them and this site. I can not even put into words how great Orchid Talk has been to me the last few days. This site is so full of knowledge, full of helpful advice and such friendliness. However being new at all this, it was/ is a bit overwhelming... ?! (it doesn't take much to make my brain hurt!) Then I found the {{{TOOLBAR}}} today! It was easy to download... the information I was looking for fell into place, it became so much easier for me to understand, to enjoy and navigate! What a well done and beautiful website this is. Every person who has added something to it has helped in creating it. There is allot of hard work, effort, and love poured into this site because of these beautiful flowers and plants, that you all have in common. What a wonderful and simple act of beauty... that all of you have taken time for, and have shared with each other! Some times this life can be very hard and full of suffering... sometimes its hard to find some happiness or joy. Even if these Orchids I have don't make it... (I will buy new ones, I am SO addicted!) this "Fellowship" you have all created, has put a smile on my face. Bruce, your hard work is a wonderful gift!!! You and this site are AMAZEING.! I just wanted to say thank you again, and love the toolbar!!!