Grow that gator up good! He'll be quite tasty in a couple of years! *LOL*
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I had a pond in the greenhouse it got in the way took it out . Decided yesterday to put this in ,actually it is a container cow feed comes in taller and not as big around as the other one .
Not done with it , my pet likes it .Gin
Grow that gator up good! He'll be quite tasty in a couple of years! *LOL*
Gator bites YUM !!!
Gin... you are so funny! I hope you are feeling better!
Wanna borrow him for your pond BD ?I feel better but still have it . Gin
What is the purpose of the pond(s)?
Just for fun .. Gin
If in the vicinity of your orchids, it will greatly increase your humidity, so it maybe doing more than you think. As far as the alligator goes, I think he would be quiet taste right now. Sort of like veal. (Which I do not eat for obvious reasons).
Hi Patrick , It is in the greenhouse and you are right it will help with humidity this winter with the propane guzzler turned on .
Sharpen you teeth! gator on the bar-B might be a little chewy lol .. Gin