I would agree with you that it's a light factor providing that you're fertilizing and watering properly. Try giving it more light and see what happens.
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My Brassavola Grandiflora (possibly Nodosa) has none of the purpleish coloration on the leaves that I've seen on many flowering nodosas. The whole plant is a uniform deep-green. Is this normal? I suspect I'm offering it to little light, currently it is getting about 1400 ft.cd for 13-hours from two CFLs and a dose of early morning sun through a roughly east facing window. Should I up the light?
The plant may have bloomed in the past but I've not been able to get it to bloom for the last 7-months.
I've tried searching, I swear!
I would agree with you that it's a light factor providing that you're fertilizing and watering properly. Try giving it more light and see what happens.
... but, ease it into the light. No sudden bright light or you could burn it.
So I should be concerned that it has the leaves have perfectly uniform color?