I just made a s/h container out of a plastic tumbler I found at work that was not being used. It is about 3 inches across and a little taller than that. I drilled three 1/8 inch holes (all near each other) about 1/2 inch up from the bottem.
Waa Laa, s/h container.
Deli containers, disposable plastic tumblers, pill bottles, juice containers cut down... use your imagination. I should take a picture with several of my containers and post it. I like transparent, but I have a couple that are not that I use as well.
You know those big plastic containers that licorice comes in? Toss the lid, drill a couple of holes and a dang nice container for that plant with the monstrous root system. That is what my Dolgoldi is in.
I have a couple of small seedlings in pill bottles.
Something else I got from work are some little plastic wide mouthed bottles they used to put samples in. The threaded area is still substantially smaller than the actual bottle so I have to cut the top off with a band saw. A little more work, but other than that - free.
One day at work (notice a theme here?) someone bought some snacks that came in tall clear plastic containers. I have a pulcherima with a lengthy root system that I put in this. I just cut it down to the correct height.
Garage sales are my friend too. I have gotten quite a few containers that way.
Creativity sure saves money.