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Thread: S/H Pots

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  1. #1
    My Grow Area
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    Default S/H Pots

    After looking through the pictorial and a couple other websites, I've found countless beautiful orchids growing in their special semi hydro pots, and I would like to know how to make my own or what kind of container is used to make them. I know that conventional pots with drainages holes won't work, but where can I find plastic containers with a suitable size selection for S/H? What kind of containers do most people use?

    Thanks for anything that will shed light on S/H pots.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Buhl Idaho


    I just made a s/h container out of a plastic tumbler I found at work that was not being used. It is about 3 inches across and a little taller than that. I drilled three 1/8 inch holes (all near each other) about 1/2 inch up from the bottem.

    Waa Laa, s/h container.

    Deli containers, disposable plastic tumblers, pill bottles, juice containers cut down... use your imagination. I should take a picture with several of my containers and post it. I like transparent, but I have a couple that are not that I use as well.

    You know those big plastic containers that licorice comes in? Toss the lid, drill a couple of holes and a dang nice container for that plant with the monstrous root system. That is what my Dolgoldi is in.

    I have a couple of small seedlings in pill bottles.

    Something else I got from work are some little plastic wide mouthed bottles they used to put samples in. The threaded area is still substantially smaller than the actual bottle so I have to cut the top off with a band saw. A little more work, but other than that - free.

    One day at work (notice a theme here?) someone bought some snacks that came in tall clear plastic containers. I have a pulcherima with a lengthy root system that I put in this. I just cut it down to the correct height.

    Garage sales are my friend too. I have gotten quite a few containers that way.

    Creativity sure saves money.

  3. #3
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    My local grocery store sells salads, etc., in clear plastic containers, 1 cup size, 1 pint size and my favorite size, 1 quart. They cost me a whopping twenty cents each. For a heavier grade of plastic, in the paint section of a big box store, I found quart sized nearly clear plastic paint buckets for eighty cents. These are thicker and could probably be hung from their rims. The deli continers are a bit too flexible to support themselves when hanging.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the tips!

    One last question, do the pots have to be clear for the plant, or are most pots clear to make it obvious when the reservoir needs filling?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Saratoga Co. New York


    Quote Originally Posted by The Peloric Orchid View Post
    Thanks for the tips!

    One last question, do the pots have to be clear for the plant, or are most pots clear to make it obvious when the reservoir needs filling?
    I find that clear pots tend to grow algae. I prefer colored ones but you can appreciate the root growth and condition in clear pots.. I use 8 oz colored plastic cups from the dollar store, the quart food containers, 1/2 gal translucent pots and gallon plastic paint buckets. I even have some seedlings in yogurt cups. I drill 1/4" holes about an inch up the container on the quart size and larger. I even have one plant in a green plastic pot sitting in a shorter food container that I have drilled holes in. You can't over water in S/H. I even have some that need a dry winter rest in S/H, I just stop watering.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ron-NY View Post
    I find that clear pots tend to grow algae.
    I find this to be true AND false. I am not certain what influences the algae growth, but I have some containers that do and some that don't. I also think that even totally opaque containers are not immune to algae growth. Since I only have one plant in that sort of pot I cannot prove or disprove without repotting. I am not certain if the algae growth is harmful or not either. My gut feeling is I would not want it as the algae would have a tendency to retain too much water and/or fill in the desired air spaces between the media.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron-NY View Post
    You can't over water in S/H.
    Sorry Ron, I don't agree with this statement. I believe it is too general. Some orchids you will be able to get away with watering every day in s/h. I know for a fact though, that there are some that if you did water every day, even in s/h, you would cause root rot. I know this from experience. I put it in the same catagory as the recommendation that one fertilize at "1/4 the suggested concentration on the package." I think you need to know the species and the growing conditions before you can suggest a watering schedule. The size of the pot to plant size is also an important factor I have learned since starting with s/h.

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