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Thread: Updated OrchidTalk Toolbar - Coming Soon

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  1. #1
    Real Name
    Bruce Brown
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    Default Updated OrchidTalk Toolbar - Coming Soon

    I wanted to let our members who use the OrchidTalk Toolbar for Firefox know that an updated version is due out soon.

    I have been working on it and adding some additional functions that will aid in navigation on this site from wherever you find yourself on the net. The current toolbar for Firefox still functions well, but it now contains a few out-of-date links due to some upgrades and SEO name changes.

    I am also planning to add in expanding menus that will link more specifically to the different areas of the site rather than the general areas as is the current case.

    Are there any additional features you would like to see in the toolbar? I am not sure if I can handle every request, but I will consider it and if possible add it to the toolbar update. I may release an intermittent version (2.2.2 or 2.2.3) depending on how complex the programing becomes. This way people can help me test it before ver 3.0 Gold is released.

    Let me know if you can think of features that I should include. Feel free to PM or post here.


  2. #2
    Real Name
    Geoffrey Melton
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    I don't know if you can do this, but maybe a login area on the toolbar? I usually click either new posts or today's posts to bring the forum up, but since i usually log out, i then have to log in. I would rather just type my login info into the toolbar and then hit new posts or todays posts to log in. just a thought...

  3. #3
    Real Name
    Bruce Brown
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfrizz743 View Post
    I don't know if you can do this, but maybe a login area on the toolbar? I usually click either new posts or today's posts to bring the forum up, but since i usually log out, i then have to log in. I would rather just type my login info into the toolbar and then hit new posts or todays posts to log in. just a thought...
    I am not sure on the code to do that, but I will research it and see if it is possible. Thanks for the suggestion.


  4. #4
    Real Name
    Bruce Brown
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    Default OrchidTalk ToolBar ver 2.2.2 RC - Released

    I have finished several updates to the OrchidTalk Tool Bar. I am releasing version 2.2.2 RC for folks to test drive. The update is described on the OrchidTalk Tool Bar announcement page. (Please note that you must be an active member of this forum to access the announcement page and download.)

    Briefly, 2.2.2RC updates images and several functions under the "OT Links" drop-down menu. This update adds approximately 40 - 45 new links and corrects two no-longer-functioning links in ver 2.2.0 Gold.

    You do not have to uninstall 2.2.0 Gold to install 2.2.2 RC. This RC version is designed to replace version 2.2.0 Gold - AND if you decide you want to go back to the GOLD Version, you can just re-install it by clicking its link. It will over-write the RC version. The only negative part of making these over-write each other is that when you download the installer for the 2.2.2 RC version and you already have running the 2.2.0 Gold version, it will say that you are installing 2.2.0 Gold again, but when you restart Firefox, it will have the correct name in the Tools>>Add-Ons dropdown of FireFox.

    I was unable to add a login script to this toolbar as requested. I still am not certain it is possible to do, but I am working on it.



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