this clone was actually my first cattleya and first orchid even. that plant of course died but I bought myself an instant gratification type replacement a number of months ago...and resisted the urge to repot it since it was just sitting around, not in active growth. I'll get my chance soon I think.

Registered in 1962, Slc. Jewel Box is a classic compact-growing red cattleya famous for its rich color and vigorous growth habit, as shown by numerous CCMs awarded to the grex over the years. The cultivar 'Dark Waters' received an AM/AOS in 1972, and reliably produces clusters of deep red, slightly-fragrant flowers. The flowers tend to be slightly cupped, reflecting the influence of the aurantiaca parent. Slc. Jewel Box tolerates a wide variety of conditions, but grows exceptionally vigorously when given bright diffuse light, intermediate-to-warm temperatures, and plenty of water while in active growth.