Well, we just had our pond re-done and I'm quite happy with the results! As you can see, it started off a bit shady, though I loved the pond even when it was kinda dumpy. ALSO, I just got a book on growing native terrestrial orchids and am really looking forward to setting up the bog for some grass pink's and rose pegonia's!

The pond before any work was done... I like to call it the concrete jungle.

This came out of the pond when we dredged it. That's terrible (we bought the house just over a year ago and just about everything was like this... needed a lot of TLC! More surprisingly, the fish lived through all this!

A shot of the pond from the new bog. Exciting! I've seen a lot of bird's bathing in it too.

A view of the whole thing.

The waterfall. I dont know who likes it more... the fish or me. These goldfish think they're salmon - sometimes they try to "go up river," though I've never seen them get very far.

I'll keep you posted about putting some orchids out there.