Ah!! I should have asked questions first before I uninstalled . Bad news is, I lost a LOT of files, mostly music, good news is, mostly they are not mine . They were files made by my daughter when she was still living with us. I had wanted to delete them a long time ago, but everytime I ask her, I got the question..."are those files bothering you"? Now, I finally got rid of them AND I''ve got a good excuse . The only thing I feel sorry for is that I lost the quilt design I had made, and the pic of the quilt I had given to my niece. I don't have back up copy to those two. The rest, ah... they are easy to replace.

Overall, the loss isn't a bad thing. It just scared me, thats all.

I may go back again and do more exploring. My main problem is the time difference. I feel like a night prowler everytime I go inside Casmira .