Thanks everyone, Bonsai has its own rewards, so the patience does pay off. Yew, that is a very impressive collection. I especially like the parsley. That first tree is a cypress, Bald Cypress, Taxodium Distichum and it about 4 ft, tall and about 40 or 41 years old. It came out of South Georgia down near the Okefunoki swamp. I must confess that I purchased that tree Nearly the size it is today. I am working on a Bald Cypress forest which is a grouping of an odd number of trees spread out to look like a forest or stand of cypress. I will re-pot them this February into their final forest like stand. Right now they are just growing to gain to gain some size. They are about 3 feet tall now, but pencil thin. I will chop them and let the dominant leader take over for the new top. This will help fatten the trunks as well. Thanks again for the compliments, maybe soon I can et some better photos of all of them. Mauras orchid are crowding me out, but thats ok as they look good together.