"OrchidTracy here has had experience revitalizing Phals; she might have something to add...

In any case, thanks for offering to answer questions and, glad you're here!"

I think I may have just posted to you on this, so sorry if I say the same thing twice. On one of my Phals, there seems to be NO root growth (I had to cut most of them off of one). How long does it take for healthy roots to appear? Also, My Happy Girl Phal (my favorite one to boot) roots seem to go up and down as far as their health , they look good a couple weeks and now aren't looking so good(a little mushy). I'm not overwatering them (about 1 good thorough wet down and some fine misting a week) and have them on humidity trays since the air is so dry. What am I doing wrong? Or does Happy girl have a bad attitude?