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Thread: A new contest!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Default A new contest!

    Ok, this one doesn't support huge prizes or noted fame...but you will win my undying (unless I die first) thanks!

    I had...well let's just say, I had a bad afternoon. I jammed my finger in a totally inadvertent way. I thought the pop/crunch sound was just a kunckle popping, since there wasn't much more than that instant of joint pain when you crack a stubborn joint.\

    Well... the angle of my finger when I looked at it , suggested otherwise. I thought I'd dislocated it, but now I'm wishing I had. I've ruptured the extensor tendon, and possibly the flexor tendon on my right ring fiunger. (Typings a bitch - sorry!)

    Won't know till I see a hand specialits if surgery is needed, or if I'll regain full finger function again. That's devasting, since it means whether or not I can pipe again.

    The sickest part was, after I had this finger at a wrong angle, and knowing how crucial it was to reduce (ie, pop the dislocation back in), I fumbled with my camera, with my left hand, to get a pic of the screwed up finger, before I called for help!!!

    Anyway - you'll all now enjoy a rest from my lengthy posts!

    Oh yeah - the contest: I've already been told I need a better story for how I did thois. The truth was, it was bitterly cold hjere today and the low humidty had ,me very ithcy. I was on the phone with a friend, and went to scratch m,y back, and jammed my ring finger into the waistband of my jeans. That was it. It wasn't high impact, dangerous, scary or sexy. I do need a better story!

    So the contest is - spin me one! Please and quickly!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Las Vegas - - baby!


    It was a dark and stormy evening when Julie, an avid orchid fanatic, was admiring her orchid collection. She sees a bright flash and hears a big boom and shriek of noise as lightning strikes the big tree outside the window. She looks in horor as the wind is sending a branch hurling her way. In a desperate and successful attempt to save her wonderful and rare orchids she grabs for the shelf, jambing her finger on the leg, ignoring the excruciating pain of the injury she pulls the shelf clear just in time. And that is the rest of the story.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Pasadena and Costa Mesa


    Very funny story, Wolf! Sounds like Julie got her wish!

    Julie, I am sorry to hear that you hurt your finger! Take better care of yourself and let it heal properly!

    Cheers. Hoa.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    LOL! That's great, Wolf! I'll start using it immediately!

    I especially like the beginning. One of my favorite authors always started his novels like that.


    PS - Oh yeah, here's what I did. It's known as a "mallet finger injury, since that what your finger looks like. It's the ring finger. Dumb accident...
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  5. #5
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    Oh, wait!! I have to get my story posted. But have been having computer issues.... will try to get it later today. But Wolf stole my opening...... Sorry about the finger Julie, hope it will be okay.

  6. #6
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    It was a dark and stormy night, except it was daytime. Julie was enjoying a drive through the beautiful sunny spring scenery.

    She had pulled over to help a boy scout cross the street, when through the lightly falling snow; she heard the cry of a Kestrel in distress. Ignoring her own risk, Julie plunged into the woods through the ankle deep snow to find the injured bird.

    Struggling up the treacherous hillside in calf deep snow, Julie spotted the injured Kite fighting to survive the tornado-like vortexes of swirling snow and ice. As she continued on through the knee-deep snow along the side of the cliff, she could see the bird would soon exhaust itself.

    Pushing forward despite the thigh deep snow and ice, Julie reached a plateau on the mountain. Resting for a moment, she saw the Red-Tailed Hawk beginning to weaken. She continued on through the waist deep snow to reach the bird.

    Realizing that the bird would not cooperate unless its eyes were hooded, Julie ignored the cold and pulled off one glove. She cut off one of the fingers of the glove and using a piece of shoelace, she fastened both a hood and leg straps.

    Intrepidly pushing on through the chest deep snow, she used her jacket to capture the Brown Eagle. She placed the hood and leg straps on. Turning to return to her car (all uphill, of course) Julie ignored the cold that was penetrating her finger (ring finger) until it was numb.

    It was there, plowing through the neck deep snow, that she saw IT. A rare endangered species orchid, imanginarious wildii, was poking through the thin crust of snow beneath a tree. Looking up to see that the branches were heavy with snow that would crush the rare plant, Julie pulled the jacket away from the Bald Eagle, and using some handy stones, built up a shelter to protect the orchid from any snowfalls.

    However, doing this disturbed the Pterodactyl, who flapped wildly and broke away from the leg straps. The incident also snapped Julie’s bare finger, which she had be using to hold the straps.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    Wow...I've never been called a herione before. If the story ran any longer, I'd be a heron. Color and greatness unspecified...

    Wolf, you called me an avid orchid fanatic. Is that better or worse than a herione? (Attempting here to weigh the flattery - ultimately the decider in any close competition.) But you get points for sucking up to my "wonderful and rare collection." er...I have a Baldan's blooming right now, too...

    Hmm...last call for submissions! Multiple entries are welcome!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Pasadena and Costa Mesa


    WOW!!! Great story that you weave together, Diane! I laughed so hard! Hehehe!!!!!

    Our Herione! What a choice of word! Couldn't stop laughing! Hehehe! I am chokin' on it!!! Hhheelppp!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    Just don't drool, Hoa, or we'll be wading in spittal...


  10. #10
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    it was just another hot sticky arvo when Dezza (Diane) and Jezza (Julie) were hanging out at the o-chid house, just checkin out all nuthins like Baldans and Pulsars and stuff!

    So then Dezza says to Jezza, "so hows bout some coldies aye?"

    Jezza goes "yeah, o-right, you keep me o-chids cumpnee, and I'll hook us a couple cold ones!"

    Thing is, Jezza goes through the back door, swings by the outdoor dunny where a chirping was a-heard! In there, stuck tween the tin roof, was one o-them crazee budgies!

    Well, there was nuthin for it, so Jezza goes up and grabs the little tyke! Starts back and...

    all's well... until,


    darn that door! and "ouch" is that a finger still in there!

    well at least the bird's ok... and hey, if ur going for a cold bitter, doubles up as an ice pack!

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