First - don't panic. The more you repot and move it around, the harder it is on the plant, so don't be in a hurry. Take your time and decide on a course of action, do it and see. For a plant with no roots, it may be happier unpotted in the sphag and bag method (let someone that has used this explain it to you), or in a smaller pot with sphagnum moss mixed in with the bark. Generally Phals like the sort of mix you are using, but it sure doesn't hold water for a rootless plant! It does look thirsty and may lose some of its leaves before it turns around.

Whatever you end up doing for it, be sure its supported well (if its potted) so it doesn't wobble and damage the roots it has or is growing. I don't think I'd fertilize it, you don't want to support the top growing at this time, you want to stimulate roots. Just some random thoughts...

BTW to post more pictures, do them on separate posts, it'll only take a couple per post.