Hi everyone,

I'm new to this group and I'm looking forward to learning from you all. Thank you in advance for any advice you can offer me!

I bought this phal in May 2016. At the time, I basically knew nothing about orchid care and hate to say that I didn't do such a great job with it. I repotted it for the first time on July 10th. The old bark media was decomposing and there were a lot of dead roots. I cleaned it up, put it in new sphagnum moss, and started watering it only when the top of the moss started to dry out.

I recently noticed that there were still rotten roots toward the top, though. I am just now starting to fertilize my orchids and give them probiotics, but I know that I shouldn't fertilize if there are issues with rot since it can be like salt in a wound. On Monday, I decided to take it out of its new pot to see what was going on and unfortunately found more rotten roots once it was out of the pot.

I went back through and got rid of the rotten roots with a sterile tool and then put cinnamon on the cuts I made. I repotted it in a smaller plastic pot than it had been in previously. All of its leaves held up during the process and it seems to be okay, minus the fact that there is still rot on some of the leaves. I also noticed some black spots on the crown and I'm not sure if it's something to be worried about.

Here are photos of the rotten roots, the roots after being cut, and two closeups of the black spots on the crown: There is also a photo of the orchid when it was in bloom.

What do you all think? Thank you!