I have both brassavola nodosa & b.Little Star in my collection. I started with b. nodosa and fall in love with its fragrance, later i found out from internet that little star can flower even more vigorously and more flowers per spike so i try to get one. I went to the nursery which they gave me a little star which it looks exactly the same flower shape and leaf shape..i was not convinced that it was the little star that i was looking for therefore i went to another nursery and asked them how they differentiate before i bought them. They told me they can differentiate it from the flower shape.

I bought it home and compare the 3 plants, 1st 2 plants looks identical on the flower shape and leaf shape but the recently bought plant was different. So i guess i got the right b. Little star.

Based on what Paphmadman shared, i was not aware that b. grandiflora was a variety of b. nodosa due to my lack of experience but if the nursery was correct, my 1st plant was b. nodosa.

Based on my observation on both b. nodosa and b. Little Star, yours was b. Little Star. It has the flower with broader lips which looks like the shape of a heart. They also has different fragrance.

This is just my own observation and opinion. Im still new in orchids with just 1 year experience.