It is an intermediate temperature orchid - meaning that it needs a winter night minimum temperature of say 15 C. Comes from humid valleys in the Himalayan lowlands , I guess <1000 m altitude. Most Coelogynes, and I do not think this is an exception, like to be grown in very well drained compost- usually I have seen them ( not this species, but others) as epiphytes or ltho/terrestrials, meaning on well sloped rock faces with a fair amount of leaf litter etc, and be on the dry side when their bulbs are completed, until new growth starts - but quite wet after flowering and whilst the growth develops.
This is a species not often seen in cultivation, but all the Cowlogynes are worth growing.
Good luck with it.
Btw you will get better advice here if you provide a few details of where you live - not your street address (!) but like, France, Provence, or whatever.