It is meant for cymbidiums only. And all of my cymbidiums, too. That way, the big house with everything else will be rather less cluttered, for a time. Maybe for all time.
I have another interest in my life now, to pull me away from the greenhouse - a young lady I took to dinner the other day... who may be as keen on me as I think I am on her. Very early days yet, but I can't be watering orchids and canoodling at one and the same time.. so priorities will come into play.
BTW the word young is relative of course ; but then , all the women I actually look at, are young to me...I do have enough sense to ignore all the scantily dressed Ukrainian beauties who send me invitations to chat - I can see the invisible speech bubble over their heads reading " I want a British Psasport".

You can insert ha-ha anywhere here if you wish...