Thanks, Ray. I am still in a learning curve, for sure. The meter I bought is a single probe type. Like you say it doesn't seem to help much with course medium, so I have been using it as just a general indicator. As mentioned I recently repotted my orchids, so the roots are not visible - still hidden by the potting medium. That makes it hard to judge how dry they are getting. The Medium is course enough that poking in my finger is next to impossible, which is why I am struggling. I have some 6-inch round applicator sticks I may try.

The medium I mentioned has very little vermiculite in it. I live in a very dry climate so I decided to try to add something to the medium that would retain moisture a bit. Trying to get moss evenly distributed in the medium was difficult and that was when I thought trying a small amount of vermiculite might help. It's a lot easier to mix it in. I also added some perlite. The vasts majority is the Miracle Gro Course mix (80%+). I also shredded in some Oregon Moss (all I could find locally). I would really like to create my own medium if possible. The online one's are very expensive.

I am nervous, being so new to phals, but am committed to work with them because my wife loves them. We have nine now, and I want to do everything I can to ensure they bloom for years to come. Any help you can give me will be very much appreciated.

At BD'd recommendation I have removed all of the upgraded plastic orchid pots from their ceramic cachepots, so the roots get more light and air as well. Those pots are very light weight so now I am worred abut them falling over. BD's suggestion about putting lava rock in the bottom might be a good idea. Any other thoughts?

If my DIY medium is not good I am more than willing to make the change again. The plants came densly packed in sphagumn moss and in poor quality orchid pots that had only one drain hole and no side slots for aeration. That's why I decided to repot all of them even though some were still blooming. So far they are fine.

Light is fine. They are all near East windows and a light app I downloaded says 40-60+ PAR, which should be perfect.