Hi folks! If anyone is going to be in the NW Arkansas area this weekend, our orchid society is having a mini-auction to help build our show fund. We are going to be hosting the 2008 SWROGA (Southwest Regional Orchid Growers Association) spring show, so we have a few of these mini-auctions throughout the year. Below is an excerpt from the most recent newsletter and the OSO website about the show.

The July 23rd meeting will present another opportunity for the members to latch on to some real plant bargains. Our auctioneer, Bruce Brown will be on hand to help find new homes for the plants assembled for this event. As we have indicated before the mini-auctions are designed to “grow” the “Show Fund” for our Spring 2008 SWROGA which is only two years off. We appreciate members support both as buyers and donors. Come help the society build the show fund so we can host a 2008 show even greater than the 2005 event. There will be plants you will want in your collections for sure. Some of the items that will be at auction are: Miltonia spectabilis, Bllra Tropic Splendor'Golden Gate', Mtssa Royal Robe 'Jerrys Pick', Mtdm Bartley Schwartz 'Highland', Mtdm Cleo’s Pride, Oncidium Aloha Iwanaga, Oncidium ornithorhynchum, Oncidium Copper Falls, Phal Golden Bells x Malibu Imp Anne Mae', Eria Stellata, Lc Stacy Miyamoto x C Foo Keith 'Kyle', Iwanagaara Appleblossum, Blc Keowee 'Vi Galaxy', Brassia Edvah Loo, C. Sophia Martin ( C. guttata x C.Summer Stars)--2 Plants, 1 Phal 6" pot yellow, 1 Neostylis Lou Sneary wooden basket large, 1 cattleyea 6" pot yellow Hknsa: Keepsake ‘Denver Gold’, Slc. Gold Country Sunset Blc. (Makaha Gold x Blc. His Light) ‘Carmela’, And many, many more!!
Sunday, July 23 at 1:30 p.m. on the NTI Campus at 709 S. Old Missouri Rd Springdale, AR.
