I'm sure we have qualities or behaviors that fellow orchid addicts can easily tell us apart from the crowd.

Here's some:

If you sterilize your pruning shears more than you sterilize your kitchen knives... you are an orchid addict.

If you spend more time reviewing the blueprints for your new greenhouse than the blueprints of the MAIN house you are building...

If you eat instant ramen every day so that you can save money for that fancy orchid...

If all your windows have garden shelves inside...

(For guys) If you are at an airport news stand and debating with yourself whether you should buy Playboy or an orchid magazine in the other shelf...

If you read the same orchid book/magazine over and over as if everytime is the first time...

If you go to a grocery/big box store with the family and you always have your own cart...

If you tell your spouse and kids to wear sweaters to save on heating bills, but have a heater running 24/7 in your greenhouse...

If you tell your spouse and kids to just open the windows to save on A/C bills, but you have a fancy air cooler running 24/7 in the greenhouse...

If you call your family and friends in the middle of the night with frantic screams like "its spiking! its spiking!"...

I'm sure there are more. Add yours
