Hello all, I'm back on the forum after a horrid semester at Michigan State University. A few weeks ago, I was given an Epidendrum radicans keiki from the North Campus Botany Greenhouse and have no idea of the state of its health. The mother plant is in great shape with no signs of disease, and the keiki is in the same shape as when I received it. I have it in an orchid bark substrate in a clear plastic orchid pot with open slits on the side and a concave bottom with drainage holes. I've watered it regularly and frequently mist it alternating between distilled water and dilute orchid fertilizer in distilled water. I have it near a north facing window at a fairly constant 75 degrees F. I'd like to know how large of a pot I should put it in given the size of the orchid, and whether I am giving it the right conditions. I've read that the species needs very bright light, but do not know whether to trust the source of information. I have no experience with Epidendrums. Here are the pictures: