I live in the central Florida area and am new to growing orchids. I recently purchased an Oncidium heaven scent 'redolence' that was in bloom at the time of purchase. After 3 or 4 weeks, the spike began to die and the flowers fell off, so I cut the spike off at its base. I have read much of how this oncidium is supposed to be a very fast grower, and easy to maintain. My problem is after owning it for 2 months now, I have yet to see any new growth. It is sitting on my front porch, which is very close to the bright daylight. It is growing in what looks like a pine bark nugget medium, in a small clay pot. I water it once every 5 to 7 days, and have fertilized it twice now with 0.5 strength 30—10—10 miracle grow orchid food. Recently it has developed yellowing of several leaf tips with brown holes. My question is what do I need to do differently to get it to grow into a healthy plant. Do I need to re pot it? move it into full sun? move it indoors? water more frequently? please help! Ive included a few pictures to show what Im talking about. Thanks!