I saw this gorgeous phal at my local nursery a week ago, and the poor thing was basically laying on its side in its pot. Yesterday, I revisited the nursery and found the same orchid, repotted in actual soil. I got a great deal because I suspected root rot, and I brought it home last night. I took the orchid out of the soil, rinsed off all of the roots, cut the dead ones, and put some hydrogen peroxide on the bottom of the crown, where most of the roots had rotten off. There were only a few good roots remaining. I let them dry out overnight, and put the orchid in a bark/charcoal mix. Should I sacrifice the flowers that are still open? This is the biggest phal I have ever seen in real life! I hope it bounces back.
Name:  huge phal.jpg
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Name:  huge phal repotted.jpg
Views: 1623
Size:  90.7 KB
The two smaller phals in the second picture are new too...I got them from the same nursery. Only $5 because they are dropping blooms!