How beautiful, I guess blue pollen would look better on ones nose than the bright orange.
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Yet another of my annual poppies. I was looking out of the dining room window and did a double take.
but my eyes weren't deceiving me, the pollen is blue! Judi
How beautiful, I guess blue pollen would look better on ones nose than the bright orange.
How lovely!! Such delicate coloring - I love your poppies!
charming. I love poppies too but it's too harsh here for them.
Those are special - never seen the like, even here in the "Poppy State"!
I really love blue flowers! Thanks for sharing!
Gotta say it, I love it too !! But having said that, but, There's not really much that I don't !! If I had a chance to name it ???!" Papaver occularis", But that is not my priviledge ! Nice shot, you have a definite eye for the photo's
(no pun intended !) , J